Exercising in the morning can benefit your body and give you a productive day all day long. Having a morning workout plan in your to-do list can be one of the most valuable things you will ever do to yourself in this world. The truth is morning workout routines are very easy to stick to. According to science working out before having breakfast can help burn fat more efficiently. However, getting out of the house to go to the gym is a struggle for many people.
A morning workout doesnÕt have to be difficult. Starting with easy and gentle movements is the best way to start. You will slowly progress to other workouts that yield big results and a bit intense.
1. Jumping jacks
Jumping jacks is an easy morning workout that will not take much of your time. You start by placing your feet hip-width apart and your hands at your sides. Raise your arms together above your head and jump as your spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Jump again to bring your arms down and bring your feet together. Repeat this several times.
2. Power Pushups
This exercise works your chest, arms, abs and legs. You start with staying in a kneeling position, pressing your hips up and back behind you to appear as if your body is in a position that resembles an inverted V. proceed by bending your knees and pressing your chest to further back towards your thighs while stretching your shoulders. Move your weight forward, extend your legs, then lower your hips as you bend your elbows into a full pushup. Press your hips back up in order to return to the inverted V position. Repeat the movements as many times as you can in one minute.
3. Double leg lift
This is a very simple exercise which starts with you lying on a mat with your face up. Extend your legs toward the ceiling so that your body forms a 90-degree angle and place your arms by sides. Lower back pressed to the mat and slowly lower your legs down to the mat as low as possible. Ensure that your back does not move up off the mat. Lift your legs back to the 90-degree angle position and repeat as many times as you can.
4. Side Lunge and Bow
This exercise seeks to work your thighs, glutes, hips and back. You should start with standing with your feet together and your hands placed behind your head. Tightly brace in your abs and do the slide lunge to the right bowing forward and hinging at your hips, bringing your chest nearly parallel to the floor. Push your right and get back to the starting position. Repeat, changing your legs for one minute.
5. Lateral Speed Lunge
Starting with an athletic position, step laterally to the right. Positioned in a good squat move quickly yo touch your right hand outside your right leg to the floor and quickly move your body up and then shift your step over to the left touching the floor with your left hand. When moving from one side to the other keep your body extended.
A morning workout plan doesn’t have to be difficult. These and many other simple exercises can be your every morning workout routine. You can also enroll in a gym and use their personal training booking app for you to easily book your appointment.. Keeping things simple will keep you committed to your morning workout plan.

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