Have you ever wondered what the point of a skirting board is? Some of us have probably lived in our homes for decades and never even thought about it, until it gets damaged, weak, or breaks. This idea dates back to the early centuries and was a necessary inclusion in every home when the walls in a house were plastered using wet-plaster to cover the space between the wall and the floor, also called a “junction”.

It was used to cover up this edge due to it looking shabby and unkempt, so it would keep things neat and tidy behind the skirting board. If you think of the architraves around a board i.e. the frame, this serves the same purpose, see here. They look nice and can be made decoratively, and they serve a practical purpose too.

Even though in this day in age we can do without them because we have machines that have better workmanship and do a nice clean job of cutting things, we still add them to homes due to either sentimental value or decorative purpose. We have to admit it though, without these skirting boards, we would feel as is something was missing. Wouldn’t you?

As a trendy homeowner who wants to upskill yourself, perhaps you feel the need to install one in your home, or even upgrade to a better-looking one. Worry not, this article is just for you. Below we will include some vital information for you for when you are on the path to upgrading these junctions, so you can do it yourself.

In all fairness, it would be best to hire a professional to do it, due to all the complexities and tedious measuring and cutting, someone like a carpenter perhaps, would be the ideal person for the job, it will take less time, have a higher workmanship grade and may be cost-effective when done right the first time.

Let’s dive into getting it done via the DIY route.

How to Fit A Skirting Board in Your Home Like A Pro

Sometimes some of those who get their rooms revamped or add an extension to them may need to continue this piece at the bottom of the floor to keep things even, while other times you just want to make it look better so it can increase the resale value of the home. Whatever your reason for doing it properly is key. Sometimes they may be moveable wiring behind it, of which you must be very careful.

The first and foremost thing we hope you have already done is, bought your item from a skirting board retailer who sells the different options, make sure you go through their catalog to find the one that fits the entire room the best not just in looks but also in material. If you’ve already got wooden flooring, with their natural brown tones, it would look a bit odd if you got for a primed white glossy board. Assuming you have all the right tools with you, including for measuring, cutting, and joining, we can carry on to the steps necessary.

Step 1. Assess the Situation. Determine how the boards you purchased from the retail store will fit into your wall. They should already be cut according to plan, so this saves you that effort. As mentioned above, make sure you know where the cables and pipes are. Make markings so you don’t forget. Check for how many sides you have in the room and place the boards in front of each wall length-wise.

Step 2. Next, align the boards to the wall exactly how you want them to be, and using wood glue, you can now attach them to the wall first and then go over each side up and down with nails or screws into the wall, either using a hammer or a drill. Punch the nails through the wood in a neat fashion so they don’t stick out, and using sandpaper, sand the top bits a little so it is flush with the rest of the surface. They should be flush with the trimmings.

Step 3. You would either coat them with paint or clear varnish to give them that final touch.

And there you have it, in three easy steps, you will have to brand new floorboards to adorn the space.

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