BEMER therapy is a groundbreaking technology that has started to occupy considerable space in health regimes. The main concern of Bio-Electromagnetic Energy Regulation centers on increasing blood circulation throughout the body. Blood, the key unit of survival, transports oxygen, nutrients, immune cells, hormones, and wastes in the body. Using the therapy helps to maintain a smooth blood flow within your cells, tissues, and organs. It helps to fulfill their needs timely and ensure a healthy body. The following discussion throws light on how BEMER therapy works. 

What does A BEMER Session do To Your Body?

The machines work by emitting electromagnetic pulses from a padded mat. The treatment is the easiest of all. You simply have to lay on the mat and your body absorbs the gentle pulses of energy. The radiation penetrates deep into the body to yield long-term health benefits along with helping in symptoms.

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A BEMER session stimulates circulation in the tiniest blood vessels to improve the in and out transport mechanism of the cells. The system uses low-frequency pulsing fields to deliver the electromagnetic energy vital for optimizing the essential body systems.

Many good things happen to your body when it gets enough nutrients, energy, and oxygen. For instance, there is a marked reduction in pain and body inflammation. These two factors reduce your body’s ability to give its best performance. Besides, the system can help in skin issues by enhancing wound healing and clearing out acne.

Mechanism of BEMER

BEMER does not involve an external agent; rather it uses your own body’s natural healing and self-regulating capabilities to improve the body’s performance in fighting ailments and recover naturally. It involves the use of patented low-frequency sinusoidal PEMFs waves to pass through the body and increase circulation. These specific waves are best to target blood vessels and increase vasomotion. Vasomotion is essential for healthy blood flow. It is an oscillation in the walls of the blood vessels that helps to throw blood ahead on the path. The phenomenon enables your body to get the benefit of optimal blood flow. 

The devices operate with special parameters involving a weak magnetic field with the primary effect of enhancing tissue microcirculation. The specifically developed signal patterns induce a significant increase in the vasomotion of blood vessels, the number of open capillaries, arterial and venous flow volume, and an elevated flow rate of red blood cells. A study observed this change in microcirculation by applying high-resolution intravital microscopy, computer image processing, and laser reflection spectroscopy. The therapy devices; on the whole, generate a maximum magnetic induction ranging between 100–150 microTesla.

Technical Specifications of BEMER

BEMER devices involve specific technicalities of PEMF as described below.

  •   Waveform

BEMER mat uses pulses that repeat 33times per second. B.Box controller maintains this waveform and reverses its polarity after about two minutes. Polarity reversal is the most effective feature of the technique.

  •   Frequency

The BEMER sine wave pulse train waveform includes 40 sine waves. These waves gradually increase in both amplitude and frequency. The combination takes place over 1200 pulses in a second.

  •   Intensity

The devices include different intensity ranges for mats and applicators. The intensity range in mats lies within 3.5 to 35 microTesla and for applicators up to 100 microTesla.


The BEMER system has created new paths in the field of wellness. It entails an efficient recovery system that is free of side effects. The energy you get from such a mat stimulates your body’s natural blood flow. As a result, your body feels better and performs better.


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