We’ve all had days when we feel off and need a boost of positive energy. You may feel as though you’re in a funk and want to switch it up to improve your mood. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make your day extra special.


We’ve put together a list of 15 ways to increase your happiness, many of which are scientifically proven and don’t cost a dime!


Fill your day with these mood-boosting activities, and you’ll feel uplifted in no time.



  • Give someone a compliment



“A compliment is verbal sunshine.” – Robert Orbem


Making someone’s day a little brighter has a direct impact on your own happiness levels.


Sharing some nice words is similar to the feeling of getting someone the perfect gift and the joy you experience when they absolutely love it.


Giving a genuine, heartfelt compliment can strengthen your relationship with that person, and who knows? Maybe they’ll have one for you in return. So send over a simple text message and spread the smiles.



  • Hang out with a friend



“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust


Spending time with people that mean a lot to you is one of the things that makes life fulfilling. Even if you aren’t doing anything special, simply being together can boost your happiness.


Multiple psychological studies have found that interacting with others can give you a sense of belonging and makes you feel happier.


So if you need a boost, reach out to a friend! Even if they’re not available to hang out that day, once you make plans, you can feel a sense of joy looking forward to the time you’ll spend together.



  • Interact with a pet



“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France


It’s a well-known fact that people adore their pets. Whatever love and affection you give to an animal, you’re given right back. Unconditional love is one of the best feelings in the world.


It’s also refreshing that the little things are what make our pets happy: a walk outside, snuggling on the couch, playing together. Seeing a dog’s tail wagging or hearing a cat purr… how could that not bring you joy?


Best part is, there’s more to it than just a fuzzy feeling. Petting animals is proven to release dopamine, which makes us feel pleased and satisfied with life. In addition, being around pets, such as dogs, releases endorphins, which ease feelings of physical pain.



  • Be active outside



“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder


Getting some fresh air and being active gets your blood pumping, which helps your physical well-being and releases endorphins to alleviate stress.


But you don’t have to go for an intense run to get the benefits of physical activity. You can go for a bicycle ride or a stroll around the neighborhood.


If it’s a sunny day, all the vitamins in the sunshine help you release serotonin, which automatically boosts your mood. Afterwards, you’ll feel accomplished that you got a bit of physical activity in your day.



  • Tidy up



“To put your things in order means to put your past in order, too.” – Marie Kondo


Cleaning up after yourself might be something you dread. “How is a boring chore going to make me happy? If anything, it’s stressing me out!”


But here’s the thing: Cleaning up can bring peace of mind. It’s proven that your external surroundings impact your internal mind, so if your workspace, bedroom, or living room is chaotic and messy, you’re going to feel the same way!


Once you’ve finished cleaning the house, there’s a good chance you’ll feel proud, relieved, and accomplished. It’ll bring you joy and a feeling of calmness to spend time in a space that’s organized and clean.



  • Watch your favorite TV show or movie



“I love nothing more than escaping into the world of a film.” – Ben Barnes


We’re all guilty of scrolling through Netflix, looking for something new, only to end up watching the same thing we’ve seen a million times. Instead of feeling guilty, why not embrace the simple pleasure of watching your favorite show or movie?


It’s comforting to watch something familiar because you can fully relax while being entertained. You know what to expect, you laugh at all the same parts, and you can feel nostalgic remembering all the times you’ve enjoyed it in the past.



  • Buy something you’ve wanted for a long time



“Whoever said that money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.” – Bo Derek


While shopping isn’t a cure for sadness, you can get a boost of happiness from buying something you’ve had your eye on for a while.


You don’t have to buy anything lavish or extraordinary; you can get the same amount of joy from a $2 box of donuts as you can from a $20 bracelet. It all comes down to appreciating your purchase and celebrating your exciting new gift.


If you’re getting something new to wear, like clothing, makeup, or an accessory, this purchase can give you a boost of confidence. It’s a great feeling, and when you wear your new item, you’ll have a pep in your step.



  • Treat yourself to something sweet



“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz


We’re all aware of the idea of a “sugar rush,” which is why indulging in some dessert can be an effective way to increase happiness.


Treating yourself to something sweet is a quick, simple way to make you happy. Grab a piece of candy, enjoy some ice cream, or bake some cookies and enjoy the delicious flavors. When we treat ourselves, our brain releases endorphins like serotonin and dopamine, the chemicals that make us happy!


The smell of baked goods in the oven is enough to make you feel excited about what’s to come. As an added bonus, the process of baking can also be an enjoyable activity in itself!



  • Have a moment of mindfulness



“Listen to silence. It has so much to say.” – Rumi


The idea of mindfulness has taken the world by storm and is recommended by everyone from therapists to famous entrepreneurs.


Mindfulness simply means sitting quietly and observing your mind, letting your thoughts go, and being in the moment. One way to do this is to sit in a comfortable, quiet place and look out the window or light a candle. Take a moment to focus on your surroundings and try to engage all five senses. This moment of peace can help you feel refreshed and release stress that may get in the way of your happiness.



  •   Go out to eat



“There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” – George Bernard Shaw


Eating delicious food can inspire so much joy. Whether it’s a fancy, three-course dinner out on the town or a tasty sandwich at your local cafe, going out to eat is a special occasion.


The only thing better than enjoying a meal is enjoying it with someone you care about. In Spain there is a tradition called “sobremesa.” This roughly translates to “about/over the table” and refers to the tradition of spending quality time together after the meal is done. This inspires meaningful conversations and extends the joy that dinner brings.



  •  List what you’re grateful for



“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Aesop


It’s scientifically shown that when we reflect on the things we’re grateful for, we feel genuine joy.


We all have something to be grateful for, no matter how small. If we make the effort to recognize those things, we can increase our happiness levels. So take a moment out of your day to jot down a list of everything you appreciate.


Many people have touted the “power of attraction.” This theory suggests that when you focus on the positive and what you’re thankful for, you will attract more of it. So invest some of your energy reflecting on the good things in life.



  •  Look back on pictures



“A good life is a collection of happy memories” – Denis Waitley


Great experiences and special events make life meaningful. We take pictures to preserve our memories, and looking over them is the perfect way to inspire a smile. It can be a lot of fun to reminisce on good times, recall all the amazing things you’ve done, and enjoy a wave of nostalgia. You may even end up reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, reminding them of the fun you’ve had together.


Reflecting upon fond memories can make us feel happy all over again. That’s why photo albums and scrapbooks are so meaningful. Maybe you’ll decide to create your own, preserving even more memories for the years to come. This leads to the next point!



  •  Do something creative



“The desire to create is one of the deepest meanings of the human soul.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Creating something brings a sense of accomplishment. You’ve brought something new and unique into the world.


This can be true for any time of creative expression: painting, writing, playing an instrument, singing, dancing, etc. Anything that allows you to express yourself is a way to boost your happiness.


Sometimes thoughts and feelings get bottled up and need to be released. Let them out with a colorful painting, a happy tune on the piano, or a journal entry about fond memories. Any of these are sure to bring you some happiness.


This is why so many hospitals and rehabilitation programs have art and music therapy; it’s known to help people going through the tough times. Imagine what it can do for you!



  •  Blast your favorite songs and go for a drive



“Sometimes the best therapy is a long drive and good music.” – Anonymous


If the weather is nice, sometimes the best way to celebrate it is to go for a drive with the windows down, the music up, and the fresh air in your lungs.


Sing your heart out to your favorite songs and feel the freedom behind the wheel. The right music can clear your mind, and a long drive with the windows down can be exhilarating and relaxing at the same time.



  •  Plan an amazing trip



“Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.” – Lovelle Drachman


Everyone has places they want to visit one day. And while you might not have the means to head out on a bucket-list trip right now, you can get plenty of joy from planning it. A lot of research has shown that anticipating a trip brings just as much happiness as embarking on it.


So go ahead; update that vision board, plan that itinerary, and pore over travel guides to your heart’s desire!

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